App Enabler

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PoC autoconfigurator for django applications

django-app-enabler goal is to reduce the configuration of a django application to a one command operation to ease using django applications, both for newcomers and expert developers.

As configuring a django application can be both boring (as 90% are the usual steps editing and and complex (as it’s easy to overlook one vital configuration parameter), replacing this with a single command sounds like a real benefit.

Key points

  • zero-knowledge tool to enable and configure django applications in a django project

  • rely on specification file shipped by the target application to patch django project configuration

  • not a replacement for existing package or dependencies managers (pip / poetry / pipenv / …)


  • Project is currently just a proof of concept

  • No formal specification or documentation exist (yet) for addon configuration file

  • A lot of restrictions regarding the and files are currently in place

  • Not all standard django settings options are currently supported

See usage for more details.

Compatible packages

Up-to-date list of compatible packages